Do male and female fish taste different?

Yes, there is a difference.
The question you may be wondering is, "Which one is tastier to us humans?"
The simplified answer is this: it's based on the two categories
Type of the fish
When the fish was caught
Fish that does taste different between male and female
Many Japanese fishermen and chefs say the female Octopus is tastier because of its softer meat. Its fiber is thinner than the one of the male Octopus.
However, the female Octopus may not taste better right before the spawning season. Since all the nutrition goes to its egg, the meat becomes tougher.
Unagi (freshwater eel)
It is said female is better.
The male sapper before the Spawning season develops a beautiful cherry blossom pink. The female snapper loses some of its taste as most of its nutrition goes to the eggs.
Fish that does taste the same between male and female
For some fish such as Black scraper (ウマヅラハギ) and Thread-sail filefish(かわはぎ), there is no taste difference between the male and the female.
